Recommended Course Sequencing and Timing

Course Classification

The course offerings in the Department of Economics and Business are classified into two groups:   

  1. Course numbering that starts with “ECON” can be used to satisfy a requirement for only for majors economics and quantitative economics.
  2. Course numbering that starts with “BUSN” can be used to satisfy a requirement for only a major in business.

Economics Major

First YearSophomoreJuniorSenior
ECON 101MATH Cognates [See Economics additional notes]Study AbroadSIP
MATH Cognates [See Economics additional notes]ECON 2xxECON 305 and/or 306ECON 3xx
ECON 2xx
[See Economics additional notes]
ECON 305 and/or 306ECON 3xxECON 4xx

Additional Notes

Math Cognates include: (i) a calculus course (MATH 112 or MATH 110 and 111), (ii) a statistics course (ECON 160 or MATH 260).1

ECON 2xx: One course in economics (i.e., ECON) at 200-level is required before taking ECON 305 and 306.

Required Courses for Major
ECON 101
MATH 112 or (MATH 110 & 111)
ECON 160 or MATH 260
ECON 2xx
ECON 305 and 306
ECON 3xx
ECON 4xx

More Information on Required Courses

A total of ten courses, including the two math cognates, are required. In addition to ECON 305 and 306, two of the courses must be at the 300-level or 400-level. Furthermore, one of these two courses must be at the 400 level (Note: both may be at the 400-level). (For more information see the major requirements)

Quantitative Economics Major

First YearSophomoreJuniorSenior
ECON 101MATH Cognates ii, iii [See Quantitative Economics additional notes]Study AbroadSIP
MATH Cognates i, ii [See Quantitative Economics additional notes]ECON 2xxMATH Cognates iii and/ ivMATH Cognates iii/ iv
ECON 2xx
[See Quantitative Economics additional notes]
ECON 305 and 306ECON 350 and 360ECON 4xx

Additional Notes- Quantitative Economics

Math Cognates include: (i) a calculus course (MATH 112 or MATH 110 and 111), (ii) a statistics course (ECON 160 or MATH 260).1 (iii) MATH 113 Calculus II (iv) MATH 240 Linear Algebra and Vectors

ECON 2xx: One course in economics (i.e., ECON) at 200-level is required before taking ECON 305 and 306.

Required Courses for Major
ECON 101
MATH 112 or (MATH 110 & 111)
ECON 160 or MATH 260
ECON 2xx
ECON 305 and 306
ECON 350 or ECON 491, and 360
MATH 113 and MATH240
ECON 4xx

More Information on Required Courses-Quantitative Economics

A total of twelve courses, including the four math cognates, are required. In addition to ECON 305, 306, 350/491 and 360, three additional economic elective courses are required. Furthermore, one of these elective courses must be at the 400 level (For more information see the quantitative economics major requirements).

Business Major

First YearSophomoreJuniorSenior
ECON 101MATH Cognates [See Business additional notes]Study AbroadSIP
BUSN 150 [See business additional notes]BUSN 2xxECON 305 and/or 306BUSN 3xx
MATH Cognates [See business additional notes]ECON 305 and/or 306BUSN 3xxBUSN 4xx
BUS 2xx

Additional Notes

Math Cognates include: (i) a calculus course (MATH 112 or MATH 110 and 111), (ii) a statistics course (BUSN 160 or MATH 260).

BUSN 2xx: One course in business (i.e., BUSN) at 200-level is required before taking ECON 305 and 306.

BUSN 100: This course will count as BUSN 150 if taken during the 2023-2024 academic year or in Fall 2024.

Required Courses for Major
ECON 101
MATH 112 or (MATH 110 & 111)
BUSN 160 or MATH 260
BUSN 2xx
ECON 305 and 306
BUSN 3xx
BUSN 4xx

More Information on Required Courses

A total of eleven courses, including the two math cognates, are required. In addition to ECON 305 and 306, two of the courses must be at the 300-level or 400-level. Furthermore, one of these two courses must be at the 400 level (Note: both may be at the 400-level). (For more information see the major requirements)