Business Student Advisor
Economics Student Advisor

Minh Dang
Departmental Major
Hi, my name is Minh, an international student from Hanoi, Vietnam majoring in Math and Econ. I studied abroad in Budapest, where I picked up running as a hobby and cooking as my hobbies. Other than that, I enjoy playing basketball or golf. After graduation, I want to work in data-related roles, then figure out the further steps. I would love to chat with anyone about academics, hobbies, career, plans after graduation, or anything. You could reach me via email or LinkedIn.

Sage Ringsmuth
Departmental Major
My name is Sage Ringsmuth, I am a senior Business major and Spanish and Chinese double minor. My hometown is Traverse City, Michigan and I studied abroad in Beijing China. I would advise first year and sophomores who want to get connected to the Business Department to take classes that they are interested in but are not a department requirement. It will give you a feel for smaller classes and topics that professors are really excited about. Please feel free to reach to me if you have any questions or if you want to just chat!